the adventures of jaw surgery

This blog is meant to record my long and treacherous path to a perfectly functioning smile. When I learned that I would have to have my jaw broken, I scoured the
internet for stories of others who had already undergone the same thing. To my surprise, there weren't many complete descriptions of the whole process. Hopefully, this will provide people in similar situations with details, facts, and stories that will maybe help them face their own surgery. Mostly, though, this is a way for me to express, vent, and entertain myself for the duration of this ordeal. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Days 30 - 40

Ok, so nothing much has changed, just thought I'd post this funny before and after. The first is from a week post op (I was attempting to look like an ogre), the second is after my mom made me get a mall makeover last week. Awesomeness.